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OPEN NOW: Your 2022 Merch Store

Written by Brandon Aragon, Senior Director, Accounts

2022 is finally here!

And before you know it, we’ll be deep in Primary Election season. As Republican campaigns are kicking off across the country, candidates and committees are looking to boost their fundraising efforts. One easy way to get donors in the door and have them show off your campaign? Start a merch store to bring small-dollar donors in the door!

Now you’re probably thinking, ”That sounds like a lot of work, and a lot of product that could potentially go to waste.” Thanks to WinRed’s Zero Touch eCommerce program, they’ve made it easier than ever to start your own print-on-demand merch store. You don’t have to go through any of the hassle of wasting campaign funds on unused products.

And luckily for your campaign or committee, our team at Go BIG Media Inc. is here to help every step of the way. Over the past few months, we’ve created, designed, and launched some pretty great WinRed stores for clients of our own in major races across the country.

Check out a few:

Your store can be custom designed to your needs and feature dozens and dozens of products such as shirts, mugs, pins, koozies, membership cards, and so much more!

Generate excitement and buzz within your campaign with issue-based merch like 2A, Pro-Life, and school choice messaging that will effectively get your message to your supporters.

Lastly, take advantage of utilizing merch in your email marketing campaigns and create upsells that will drive in donations.

If you’re looking to start your Zero Touch, Print-On-Demand WinRed store, get in touch with us. We’d love to help you every step of the way and get your store up in no time.

Make your campaign stand out. Who knows, your campaign’s merch might even go viral!


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